Package se.digg.dgc.encoding
Classes for encoding/decoding of Digital Covid Certificates.
Interface Summary Interface Description BarcodeCreator An interface for creating barcodes (QR/Aztec).BarcodeDecoder An interface for reading/decoding barcodes (QR/Aztec). -
Class Summary Class Description Barcode The representation of a 2D barcode.Base45 Implementation of Base45 encoding/decoding according to A Base45 decoder.Base45.Encoder A Base45 encoder.DGCConstants Constants for Digital Covid Certificates.Zlib Compression/de-compression support. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Barcode.BarcodeType Barcode type.Barcode.ImageFormat Enum representing an image format. -
Exception Summary Exception Description BarcodeException Exception class used for errors during creation and decoding of barcodes.