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addChecksum(String) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIChecksumCalculator
Given an UVCI, the method calculates a checksum character and returns the modified string (with a checksum appended).
addProtectedAttribute(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Adds a protected attribute.
addUnprotectedAttribute(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Adds an unprotected attribute.
ALG - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Algorithm used for security processing.
ALPHABET - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45
The Base45 Alphabet.
audience(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Adds a audience to the "aud" claim.
AZTEC - se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.BarcodeType
Aztec code.


Barcode - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding
The representation of a 2D barcode.
Barcode(Barcode.BarcodeType, byte[], Barcode.ImageFormat, String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Barcode.BarcodeType - Enum in se.digg.dgc.encoding
Barcode type.
Barcode.ImageFormat - Enum in se.digg.dgc.encoding
Enum representing an image format.
BarcodeCreator - Interface in se.digg.dgc.encoding
An interface for creating barcodes (QR/Aztec).
BarcodeDecoder - Interface in se.digg.dgc.encoding
An interface for reading/decoding barcodes (QR/Aztec).
BarcodeException - Exception in se.digg.dgc.encoding
Exception class used for errors during creation and decoding of barcodes.
BarcodeException(String) - Constructor for exception se.digg.dgc.encoding.BarcodeException
BarcodeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception se.digg.dgc.encoding.BarcodeException
Base45 - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding
Implementation of Base45 encoding/decoding according to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-faltstrom-base45/.
Base45.Decoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding
A Base45 decoder.
Base45.Encoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding
A Base45 encoder.
build() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder
Builds the Cose_Sign1 object.
build() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Builds the CWT.
build() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Builds the UVCI.
builder() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
builder() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Creates a Cwt.CwtBuilder.
builder() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Creates a builder.


calculateChecksum(String) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIChecksumCalculator
Calculates the control character for the supplied input.
CBORInstantConverter - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.support
Converter for representation of NumericDate using Instant according to RFC8392.
CBORInstantConverter() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.support.CBORInstantConverter
CertificateProvider - Interface in se.digg.dgc.signatures
A functional interface for finding certificates that may be used to verify the signature of a DCC.
claim(int, byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
claim(int, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
claim(String, byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
claim(String, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
compress(byte[]) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Zlib
Compresses the supplied data.
content(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder
Assigns the payload/content (usually a CWT).
CONTENT_TYPE - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
This parameter is used to indicate the content type of the data in the payload or ciphertext fields.
CoseSign1_Object - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose
A representation of a COSE_Sign1 object.
CoseSign1_Object() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Default constructor.
CoseSign1_Object(byte[]) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Constructor that accepts the binary representation of a signed COSE_Sign1 object.
CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose
A builder for CoseSign1_Object objects.
CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder
Default constructor.
country(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Assigns the country code (ISO 3166-1 alhpa-2 or alpha-3).
create(String) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.encoding.BarcodeCreator
Creates a barcode containing the supplied contents.
create(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
Creates a barcode containing the supplied contents.
create(String, Charset) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.encoding.BarcodeCreator
Creates a barcode containing the supplied contents which is a string of the given character set.
create(String, Charset) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
Creates a barcode containing the supplied contents which is a string of the given character set.
CRIT - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Critical headers to be understood.
Cwt - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt
A representation of a CWT according to RFC 8392.
Cwt() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Constructor creating an empty CWT.
Cwt(byte[]) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Constructor creating a CWT from a supplied encoding.
Cwt.CwtBuilder - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt
A builder for creating Cwt objects.
CwtBuilder() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
cwtId(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the "cti" claim.


decode(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45.Decoder
Decodes the supplied input (which is the byte array representation of a Base45 string).
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Decodes the supplied data into a CoseSign1_Object object.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Decodes the supplied data into a Cwt object.
decode(byte[], Barcode.BarcodeType) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.encoding.BarcodeDecoder
Locates the barcode in the supplied image and decodes it.
decode(byte[], Barcode.BarcodeType) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeDecoder
Locates the barcode in the supplied image and decodes it.
decode(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45.Decoder
Decodes the supplied Base45 string.
decode(String) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCDecoder
Given the base45-encoding of a signed DCC the method verifies and decodes it into the DCC payload representation.
decode(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCDecoder
Given the base45-encoding of a signed DCC the method verifies and decodes it into the DCC payload representation.
decodeBarcode(byte[]) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCBarcodeDecoder
Given a barcode image the method verifies amd decodes the contents into its DCC payload representation.
decodeBarcode(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCBarcodeDecoder
Given a barcode image the method verifies amd decodes the contents into its DCC payload representation.
decodeBarcodeToBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCBarcodeDecoder
Given a barcode image the method verifies and decodes the contents into the CBOR encoding of the DCC payload.
decodeBarcodeToBytes(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCBarcodeDecoder
Given a barcode image the method verifies and decodes the contents into the CBOR encoding of the DCC payload.
DECODER - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45.Decoder
Static decoder instance.
decodeRaw(byte[]) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCDecoder
Verifies a "raw" DCC (i.e., a signed CWT holding the DCC payload) and decodes it to the actual DCC payload.
decodeRaw(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCDecoder
Verifies a "raw" DCC (i.e., a signed CWT holding the DCC payload) and decodes it to the actual DCC payload.
decodeRawToBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCDecoder
Verifies a "raw" DCC (i.e., a signed CWT holding the DCC payload) and returns the CBOR encoding of the DCC payload.
decodeRawToBytes(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCDecoder
Verifies a "raw" DCC (i.e., a signed CWT holding the DCC payload) and returns the CBOR encoding of the DCC payload.
decodeToBytes(String) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCDecoder
Given the base45-encoding of a signed DCC the method verifies and decodes it into the CBOR encoding of the DCC payload.
decodeToBytes(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCDecoder
Given the base45-encoding of a signed DCC the method verifies and decodes it into the CBOR encoding of the DCC payload.
decodeToString(byte[], Barcode.BarcodeType, Charset) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.encoding.BarcodeDecoder
Locates the barcode in the supplied image and decodes it into a string of the given character set.
decodeToString(byte[], Barcode.BarcodeType, Charset) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeDecoder
Locates the barcode in the supplied image and decodes it into a string of the given character set.
decompress(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Zlib
De-compresses the supplied data.
DEFAULT_IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
The default image format to use when creating barcodes.
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
The default barcode type for this implementation is QR.
DEFAULT_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
The default width and height to be used for the created barcodes.
DefaultBarcodeCreator - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl
A bean implementing the BarcodeCreator interface using the ZXing library.
DefaultBarcodeCreator() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
DefaultBarcodeDecoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl
Default implementation of the BarcodeDecoder interface using the ZXing library.
DefaultBarcodeDecoder() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeDecoder
DefaultDGCBarcodeDecoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.service.impl
A bean implementing the DGCBarcodeDecoder interface.
DefaultDGCBarcodeDecoder(DGCSignatureVerifier, CertificateProvider, BarcodeDecoder) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCBarcodeDecoder
DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.service.impl
A bean implementing the DGCBarcodeEncoder interface.
DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder(DGCSigner, BarcodeCreator) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder
DefaultDGCDecoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.service.impl
A bean implementing the DGCDecoder interface.
DefaultDGCDecoder(DGCSignatureVerifier, CertificateProvider) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCDecoder
DefaultDGCEncoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.service.impl
A bean implementing the DGCEncoder interface.
DefaultDGCEncoder(DGCSigner) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCEncoder
DefaultDGCSignatureVerifier - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl
Implementation of the DGCSignatureVerifier interface.
DefaultDGCSignatureVerifier() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSignatureVerifier
DefaultDGCSigner - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl
A bean implementing the DGCSigner interface.
DefaultDGCSigner(PrivateKey, X509Certificate) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
DefaultDGCSigner(PkiCredential) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
DELIMITER - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIChecksumCalculator
The delimiter character used to separate the UVCI from the checksum character.
DGC_V1_HEADER - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.DGCConstants
Header string that is prefixed to Base45 encoded health care certificates containing version 1 of the Digital Covid Certificate payloads.
DGCBarcodeDecoder - Interface in se.digg.dgc.service
An extension to the DGCDecoder interface that defines methods for decoding from a barcode image.
DGCBarcodeEncoder - Interface in se.digg.dgc.service
An extension to the DGCEncoder interface that defines methods for encoding to a barcode representation.
DGCConstants - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding
Constants for Digital Covid Certificates.
DGCDecoder - Interface in se.digg.dgc.service
Service for decoding a Digital Covid Certificate from its image representation into the actual DCC payload.
DGCEncoder - Interface in se.digg.dgc.service
Service for creating Digital Covid Certificates.
DGCSignatureVerifier - Interface in se.digg.dgc.signatures
An interface for a DCC signature verifier.
DGCSignatureVerifier.Result - Class in se.digg.dgc.signatures
Represents the successful result of a HCERT signature verification.
DGCSigner - Interface in se.digg.dgc.signatures
An interface for a DCC signer.
dgcV1(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the DGC v1 payload.


encode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Gets the binary representation of this object.
encode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the binary representation of the CWT.
encode(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45.Encoder
Encodes the supplied bytes into its Base45 encoding.
encode(byte[], Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCEncoder
Based on the CBOR encoded DCC payload and a expiration time, the method signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
encode(byte[], Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCEncoder
Based on the CBOR encoded DCC payload and a expiration time, the method signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
encode(DigitalCovidCertificate, Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCEncoder
Based on the DCC payload and a expiration time, the method encodes the payload to CBOR, signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
encode(DigitalCovidCertificate, Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCEncoder
Based on the DCC payload and a expiration time, the method encodes the payload to CBOR, signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
ENCODER - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45.Encoder
Static encoder instance.
encodeToBarcode(byte[], Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCBarcodeEncoder
Based on the CBOR encoded DCC payload and a expiration time, the method signs it, deflates it, Base45 encodes it, and finally delivers it as a barcode.
encodeToBarcode(byte[], Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder
Based on the CBOR encoded DCC payload and a expiration time, the method signs it, deflates it, Base45 encodes it, and finally delivers it as a barcode.
encodeToBarcode(DigitalCovidCertificate, Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCBarcodeEncoder
Based on the DCC payload and a expiration time, the method encodes the payload to CBOR, signs it, deflates it, Base45 encodes it, and finally delivers it as a barcode.
encodeToBarcode(DigitalCovidCertificate, Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder
Based on the DCC payload and a expiration time, the method encodes the payload to CBOR, signs it, deflates it, Base45 encodes it, and finally delivers it as a barcode.
encodeToString(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45.Encoder
Encodes the supplied bytes into its corresponding Base45 string.
ES256 - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
ECDSA with SHA-256.
ES384 - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
ECDSA with SHA-384.
ES512 - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
ECDSA with SHA-512.
EU_DGC_V1_MESSAGE_TAG - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
The message tag for eu_dgc_v1 that is added under the HCERT claim.
expiration(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the "exp" claim.


fromCborObject(CBORObject) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Given a CBOR object the method gets the corresponding HeaderParameterKey.
fromCborObject(CBORObject) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Given a CBOR object the method gets the corresponding SignatureAlgorithmId.
FromCBORObject(CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.support.CBORInstantConverter
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Given a value the method gets the corresponding HeaderParameterKey.
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Given a value the method gets the corresponding SignatureAlgorithmId.


getAudience() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the values for the "aud" claim
getCborObject() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Gets the header parameter key as a CBOR object.
getCborObject() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Gets the signature identifier as a CBOR object.
getCertificates(String, byte[]) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.signatures.CertificateProvider
Given a country code and a key identifier the method finds all certificates that matches this criteria.
getClaim(int) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the claim identified by claimKey.
getClaim(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the claim identified by claimKey.
getCountry() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result
Gets the ISO-3166 code for the issuing country.
getCwt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
A utility method that gets the contents as a Cwt.
getCwtId() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the value of the "cti" (CWT ID) claim.
getDecoder() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45
Gets a Base45 decoder.
getDgcPayload() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result
Gets the CBOR encoded DCC payload.
getDgcV1() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the CBOR encoding of a DGC v1 payload.
getEncoder() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Base45
Gets a Base45 encoder.
getExpiration() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the value of the "exp" (expiration time) claim.
getExpires() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result
Gets the expiration time of the HCERT.
getHeight() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the height of the barcode in pixels.
getImage() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the contents that is the barcode image according to the selected image format.
getImageFormat() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the image format of the barcode.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the value of the "iat" (issued at) claim.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result
Gets the issuance time of the HCERT.
getIssuer() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the "iss" (issuer) claim.
getJcaAlgorithmName() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Gets the JCA algorithm name for this algorithm.
getKeyIdentifier() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
A utility method that looks for the key identifier (kid) in the protected (and unprotected) attributes.
getKid() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result
Gets the key identifier that was used to locate the signer certificate.
getMimeType() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
Gets the image MIME type.
getName() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.BarcodeType
Gets the name of the type.
getName() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
Returns the image format in text format.
getName() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Gets the COSE/JOSE name of the algorithm.
getNotBefore() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the value of the "nbf" (not before) claim.
getPayload() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the payload/contents of the barcode.
getSignature() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
A utility method that gets a copy of the signature
getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
A utility method that gets the signature algorithm
getSignerCertificate() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result
Gets the certificate that was used to verify the signature.
getSignerCountry() - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSigner
Gets the ISO-3166 country code of the signer (issuer).
getSignerCountry() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Gets the ISO-3166 country code of the signer (issuer).
getSignerExpiration() - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSigner
Gets the point in time when this signer's certificate expires.
getSignerExpiration() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Gets the point in time when this signer's certificate expires.
getSubject() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Gets the "sub" (subject) claim.
getSvgImage() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the barcode image as an SVG image.
getType() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the barcode type.
getValue() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Gets the CBOR value for the header parameter key.
getValue() - Method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Gets the CBOR value for the signature identifier.
getWidth() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Gets the width of the barcode in pixels.


HCERT_CLAIM_KEY - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
HCERT message tag.
HeaderParameterKey - Enum in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose
Representation of COSE header parameter keys.


includeChecksum(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Tells whether a checksum control character should be appended to the UVCI.
includeMessageTag(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder
Tells whether to include the COSE_Sign1 message tag in encodings.
isCompressed(byte[]) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Zlib
Predicate that checks if the supplied data is compressed using the ZLIB algorithm.
issuedAt(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the "iat" claim.
issuer(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the "iss" claim.
issuer(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Assigns the issuing entity (for option 1 and 3).


JPG - se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat


KID - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
This parameter identifies one piece of data that can be used as input to find the needed cryptographic key.


LUHN_MOD_N_CHARSET - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIChecksumCalculator
The character set for the Luhn mod N calculation.


MESSAGE_TAG - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
The COSE_Sign1 message tag.
MESSAGE_TAG - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
The CBOR CWT message tag.


noPrefix() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Tells the builder that no UVCI prefix should be used.
notBefore(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the "nbf" claim.


parse(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.BarcodeType
Parses a barcode type name into an BarcodeType instance.
parse(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
Parses an image format string into an ImageFormat instance.
parseFromMimeType(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
Parses an image MIME type into an ImageFormat instance.
PNG - se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
prefix() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Tells the builder that the UVCIBuilder.UVCI_PREFIX should be used for the generated UVCI.
protectedAttribute(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder
Adds a protected attribute.
PS256 - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
RSASSA-PSS with SHA-256.
PS384 - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
RSASSA-PSS with SHA-384.
PS512 - se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
RSASSA-PSS with SHA-512.


QR - se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.BarcodeType
QR code.


removeProtectedAttribute(CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Removes a protected attribute.
removeUnprotectedAttribute(CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Removes an unprotected attribute.
Result(byte[], X509Certificate, byte[], String, Instant, Instant) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result


se.digg.dgc.encoding - package se.digg.dgc.encoding
Classes for encoding/decoding of Digital Covid Certificates.
se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl - package se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl
Implementation for encoding/decoding of Digital Covid Certificates.
se.digg.dgc.service - package se.digg.dgc.service
Contains top-level interfaces and classes for issuing and validating Digital Covid Certificates.
se.digg.dgc.service.impl - package se.digg.dgc.service.impl
Implementation classes for the DGC services.
se.digg.dgc.signatures - package se.digg.dgc.signatures
Signature support for Digital Covid Certificates.
se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose - package se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose
Selected support for CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE), see RFC 8152.
se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt - package se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt
CWT support according to RFC 8392.
se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.support - package se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.support
Support classes for CBOR, CWT and COSE.
se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl - package se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl
Implementations of the signature support for Digital Covid Certificates.
se.digg.dgc.uvci - package se.digg.dgc.uvci
Support classes for working with UVCI:s.
setAlgorithmIdentifier(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Assigns the algorithm to use.
setAudience(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets a single value to the "aud" (audience) claim.
setAudience(List<String>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets multiple values to the "aud" (audience) claim.
setClaim(int, byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
setClaim(int, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
setClaim(String, byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
setClaim(String, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets a claim identified by claimKey.
setContent(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Assigns the payload/content (usually a CWT).
setCwtId(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets the "cti" (CWT ID) claim.
setDgcV1(byte[]) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Adds DGC v1 payload.
setExpiration(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets the "exp" (expiration time) claim.
setImageFormat(Barcode.ImageFormat) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
Sets the image format for barcodes created.
setIncludeCoseTag(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Whether to include the Cose_Sign1 message tag in the resulting encoding.
setIncludeCwtTag(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Sets whether to include the CWT message tag.
setIncludeMessageTag(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Tells whether to include the COSE_Sign1 message tag in encodings.
setIssuedAt(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets the "iat" (issued at) claim.
setIssuer(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets the "iss" (issuer) claim.
setNotBefore(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets the "nbf" (not before) claim.
setSecurityProvider(Provider) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Assigns a specific Java Security Provider that should be used when signing.
setSubject(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt
Sets the "sub" (subject) claim.
setTestValidationTime(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSignatureVerifier
For test only: Simulates the current validation time.
setType(Barcode.BarcodeType) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
Sets the type of barcodes to create.
setWidthAndHeight(int) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.impl.DefaultBarcodeCreator
Sets the width and height (in pixels) to use for creating barcodes.
sign(byte[], Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCEncoder
Given the CBOR-encoding of the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
sign(byte[], Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCEncoder
Given the CBOR-encoding of the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
sign(byte[], Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSigner
Creates a CWT including the CBOR encoded DCC payload and signs it.
sign(byte[], Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSigner
Creates a CWT including the CBOR encoded DCC payload and signs it.
sign(PrivateKey, Provider) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Signs the COSE_Sign1 object using the supplied key.
sign(DigitalCovidCertificate, Instant) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.service.DGCEncoder
Given the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
sign(DigitalCovidCertificate, Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.service.impl.DefaultDGCEncoder
Given the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
SignatureAlgorithm - Enum in se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose
Representation of the supported signature algorithms.
subject(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt.CwtBuilder
Sets the "sub" claim.


toBase64Image() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
Returns a representation of the barcode as a Base64 image.
ToCBORObject(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.support.CBORInstantConverter
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cwt.Cwt


uniqueString(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Assigns the opaque unique string of the UVCI.
unprotectedAttribute(CBORObject, CBORObject) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder
Adds an unprotected attribute.
UVCI_PREFIX - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Prefix for UVCI strings.
UVCI_VERSION - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
The current versin of the UVCI.
UVCIBuilder - Class in se.digg.dgc.uvci
A builder that can be used to create any of the three options of UVCI:s as described in annex 2 of eHealthNetwork Vaccination Interoperability Guidelines.
UVCIBuilder() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Default constructor.
UVCIChecksumCalculator - Class in se.digg.dgc.uvci
A utility to calculate the checksum for UVCI:s according to the DCC schema wiki.


vaccine(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Assigns the vaccine info (for option 1 only).
validateChecksum(String) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIChecksumCalculator
Given a string containing a checksum control character the method controls whether this is correct.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.BarcodeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.BarcodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.encoding.Barcode.ImageFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.HeaderParameterKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.SignatureAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verify(byte[], CertificateProvider) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.signatures.DGCSignatureVerifier
Verifies the signature and validity of the supplied signed DCC.
verify(byte[], CertificateProvider) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.impl.DefaultDGCSignatureVerifier
Verifies the signature and validity of the supplied signed DCC.
verifySignature(PublicKey) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.signatures.cose.CoseSign1_Object
Verifies the signature of the COSE_Sign1 object.
version(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.uvci.UVCIBuilder
Assigns the version.


Zlib - Class in se.digg.dgc.encoding
Compression/de-compression support.
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