Interface DGCEncoder

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder, DefaultDGCEncoder

    public interface DGCEncoder
    Service for creating Digital Covid Certificates.
    Martin Lindström (, Henrik Bengtsson (, Henric Norlander (
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String encode​(byte[] dcc, Instant expiration)
      Based on the CBOR encoded DCC payload and a expiration time, the method signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
      String encode​(DigitalCovidCertificate dcc, Instant expiration)
      Based on the DCC payload and a expiration time, the method encodes the payload to CBOR, signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
      byte[] sign​(byte[] dcc, Instant expiration)
      Given the CBOR-encoding of the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
      byte[] sign​(DigitalCovidCertificate dcc, Instant expiration)
      Given the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        String encode​(byte[] dcc,
                      Instant expiration)
               throws IOException,
        Based on the CBOR encoded DCC payload and a expiration time, the method signs it, deflates it, and delivers it in Base45 encoding (with a HCERT header).
        dcc - the contents of the DCC in its CBOR encoding
        expiration - the expiration of the DCC
        the Base45 encoding of the signed DCC
        IOException - for errors encoding data, for example CBOR related errors
        SignatureException - errors concerning signing the DCC
      • sign

        byte[] sign​(byte[] dcc,
                    Instant expiration)
             throws IOException,
        Given the CBOR-encoding of the DCC payload the method creates a CWT and signs it.
        dcc - the DCC payload in its CBOR encoding
        expiration - the expiration of the DCC
        the CBOR encoding of the signed DCC (CWT)
        IOException - for errors encoding data, for example CBOR related errors
        SignatureException - errors concerning signing the DCC