All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description Barcode The representation of a 2D barcode.Barcode.BarcodeType Barcode type.Barcode.ImageFormat Enum representing an image format.BarcodeCreator An interface for creating barcodes (QR/Aztec).BarcodeDecoder An interface for reading/decoding barcodes (QR/Aztec).BarcodeException Exception class used for errors during creation and decoding of barcodes.Base45 Implementation of Base45 encoding/decoding according to A Base45 decoder.Base45.Encoder A Base45 encoder.CBORInstantConverter Converter for representation of NumericDate using Instant according to RFC8392.CertificateProvider A functional interface for finding certificates that may be used to verify the signature of a DCC.CoseSign1_Object A representation of a COSE_Sign1 object.CoseSign1_Object.CoseSign1_ObjectBuilder A builder forCoseSign1_Object
objects.Cwt A representation of a CWT according to RFC 8392.Cwt.CwtBuilder A builder for creatingCwt
objects.DefaultBarcodeCreator A bean implementing theBarcodeCreator
interface using the ZXing library.DefaultBarcodeDecoder Default implementation of theBarcodeDecoder
interface using the ZXing library.DefaultDGCBarcodeDecoder A bean implementing theDGCBarcodeDecoder
interface.DefaultDGCBarcodeEncoder A bean implementing theDGCBarcodeEncoder
interface.DefaultDGCDecoder A bean implementing theDGCDecoder
interface.DefaultDGCEncoder A bean implementing theDGCEncoder
interface.DefaultDGCSignatureVerifier Implementation of theDGCSignatureVerifier
interface.DefaultDGCSigner A bean implementing theDGCSigner
interface.DGCBarcodeDecoder An extension to theDGCDecoder
interface that defines methods for decoding from a barcode image.DGCBarcodeEncoder An extension to theDGCEncoder
interface that defines methods for encoding to a barcode representation.DGCConstants Constants for Digital Covid Certificates.DGCDecoder Service for decoding a Digital Covid Certificate from its image representation into the actual DCC payload.DGCEncoder Service for creating Digital Covid Certificates.DGCSignatureVerifier An interface for a DCC signature verifier.DGCSignatureVerifier.Result Represents the successful result of a HCERT signature verification.DGCSigner An interface for a DCC signer.HeaderParameterKey Representation of COSE header parameter keys.SignatureAlgorithm Representation of the supported signature algorithms.UVCIBuilder A builder that can be used to create any of the three options of UVCI:s as described in annex 2 of eHealthNetwork Vaccination Interoperability Guidelines.UVCIChecksumCalculator A utility to calculate the checksum for UVCI:s according to the DCC schema wiki.Zlib Compression/de-compression support.