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AbstractValueSetSupplier<T> - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
An abstract ValueSet Supplier that can be used for the ReloadableValueSet class.
AbstractValueSetSupplier(T, Duration) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.AbstractValueSetSupplier
addChildResult(ValueSetValidationResult) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Adds a result for the validation of a child property of the root object.
asLocalDate() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Gets the date of birth as a LocalDate object.


CHAR_MAPPINGS - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.transliteration.MrzEncoder
Character mappings
COUNTRY_CODES - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for the country code value set.
countryCodes() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the country-2-codes value set.


DateOfBirth - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
A representation of a date of birth according to the schema (where "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", "YYYY" and "") is allowed.
DateOfBirth(String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Constructor taking a string representation of a date of birth.
DateOfBirth(LocalDate) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Constructor taking a LocalDate.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Decodes a CBOR encoding to a DigitalCovidCertificate.
DefaultValueSetValidator - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation
Default implementation of the ValueSetValidator interface.
DefaultValueSetValidator(List<ValueSet>) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.DefaultValueSetValidator
DGC_SCHEMA_VERSION - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DGCSchemaVersion
The version of the schema that we used to generate the DigitalCovidCertificate class.
DGCSchemaException - Exception in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Exception for DCC schema errors, i.e., if a DCC encoding cannot be mapped into the Java classes for the DCC schema.
DGCSchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DGCSchemaException
DGCSchemaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DGCSchemaException
DGCSchemaVersion - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Holds the schema version of the DCC schema.
DigitalCovidCertificate - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
A wrapper for the root element generated from the Schema.
DigitalCovidCertificate() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Default constructor.
DigitalCovidCertificate(PersonName, LocalDate) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Constructor assigning the subject name and date of birth of the subject.
DISEASE_AGENT_TARGETED_ID - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for the "disease agent targeted" value set.
diseaseAgentTargeted() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the disease-agent-targeted value set.


encode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Encodes this object to its CBOR byte representation.
encode(String) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.transliteration.MrzEncoder
Encodes the supplied string to a MRZ encoded string.
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
equals(Object) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
ERROR - se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult.Status
Error - checked property/properties are not in accordance with value sets.
Eudcc - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Eudcc() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
No args constructor for use in serialization
Eudcc(String, PersonName, String, List<VaccinationEntry>, List<TestEntry>, List<RecoveryEntry>) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc


FilebasedValueSetSupplier - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
A file based ValueSet Supplier that can be used for the ReloadableValueSet class.
FilebasedValueSetSupplier(File, Duration) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.FilebasedValueSetSupplier
fromJsonString(String) - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Decodes a JSON string into a DigitalCovidCertificate.


get() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.AbstractValueSetSupplier
getCBORMapper() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Gets a configured CBORMapper to use for serializing and deserializing.
getChildren() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Gets the validation results of all childrens to this root object.
getCi() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
Certificate Identifier, format as per UVCI: Annex 2 in https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/ehealth/docs/vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf (Required)
getCi() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Certificate Identifier, format as per UVCI: Annex 2 in https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/ehealth/docs/vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf (Required)
getCi() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Certificate Identifier, format as per UVCI: Annex 2 in https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/ehealth/docs/vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf (Required)
getCo() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
Country of Vaccination / Test, ISO 3166 alpha-2 where possible (Required)
getCo() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Country of Vaccination / Test, ISO 3166 alpha-2 where possible (Required)
getCo() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Country of Vaccination / Test, ISO 3166 alpha-2 where possible (Required)
getDate() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
Gets the value set date/version.
getDate() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Gets the value set date/version.
getDateOfBirth() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Gets the dob field as a DateOfBirth object.
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Gets the day of month (if available).
getDf() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ISO 8601 complete date: Certificate Valid From (Required)
getDisplay() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Gets the display name of the value.
getDn() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Dose Number / Total doses in Series: positive integer (Required)
getDob() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Date of birth
getDt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
ISO8601 complete date: Date of Vaccination (Required)
getDu() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ISO 8601 complete date: Certificate Valid Until (Required)
getFn() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
getFnt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
Standardised surname
getFr() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ISO 8601 complete date of first positive NAA test result (Required)
getGn() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
getGnt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
Standardised forename
getId() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
Gets the value set ID
getId() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Gets the value set ID
getIs() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
Certificate Issuer (Required)
getIs() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Certificate Issuer (Required)
getIs() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Certificate Issuer (Required)
getJSONMapper() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Gets a configured ObjectMapper to use for JSON serializing and deserializing.
getLang() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Gets the language code.
getMa() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getMa() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getMessage() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Gets the result message.
getMonth() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Gets the month (if available).
getMp() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getNam() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Person name: Surname(s), forename(s) - in that order
getNm() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
NAA Test Name
getPropertyName() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Gets the property name for the object being validation.
getR() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Recovery Group
getResourceString(File) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.FilebasedValueSetSupplier
Returns a string representation of the resource being handled.
getResourceString(T) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.AbstractValueSetSupplier
Returns a string representation of the resource being handled.
getResult() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Gets the overall result.
getSc() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Date/Time of Sample Collection (Required)
getSd() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Dose Number / Total doses in Series: positive integer (Required)
getSystem() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Gets the system.
getT() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Test Group
getTc() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Testing Centre
getTg() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getTg() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getTg() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getTr() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getTt() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getV() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Vaccination Group
getValue(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Given a code for a value the method gets the value set value.
getValues() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
Gets the value set values.
getValues() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Gets the value set values.
getValueSet(File) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.FilebasedValueSetSupplier
Reads the value set from the resource.
getValueSet(T) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.AbstractValueSetSupplier
Reads the value set from the resource.
getVer() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Schema version
getVersion() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Gets the version of the value.
getVp() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
getYear() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Gets the year.


hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
hashCode() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue


isActive() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Tells whether this value is active.
isCompleteDate() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
A predicate that tells whether this date is "complete", meaning YYYY-MM-DD.
isSuccess() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Predicate that tells if this object represents a successful result.


LAB_RESULT_ID - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for "Covid-19 lab result" value set.
LENGTH_RESTRICTION - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.transliteration.MrzEncoder
Length restriction.


MARKETING_AUTH_HOLDERS_ID - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for "Covid-19 marketing authorization holders" value set.
marketingAuthorizationHolder() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the vaccines-covid-19-auth-holders value set.
MEDICAL_PRODUCT_ID - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for "Vaccine medical product" value set.
medicalProduct() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the vaccines-covid-19-names value set.
MrzEncoder - Class in se.digg.dgc.transliteration
MRZ name encoder according to ICAO format.
MrzEncoder() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.transliteration.MrzEncoder


PersonName - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Person name: Surname(s), forename(s) - in that order
PersonName() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
No args constructor for use in serialization
PersonName(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName


RecoveryEntry - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Recovery Entry
RecoveryEntry() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
No args constructor for use in serialization
RecoveryEntry(String, LocalDate, String, String, LocalDate, LocalDate, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ReloadableValueSet - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
Since value sets may change over time and we really don't want to have to re-compile our programs everytime a value set changes, the ReloadableValueSet class can be useful.
ReloadableValueSet(Supplier<ValueSet>) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet


se.digg.dgc.payload.v1 - package se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Generated Java code for the Digital Covid Certificate schema.
se.digg.dgc.transliteration - package se.digg.dgc.transliteration
Support for name transliteration.
se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1 - package se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
Support for DGC valuesets.
se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation - package se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation
Support for validating Digital Covid Certificates against value sets.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Assigns whether this value is active
setCi(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
Certificate Identifier, format as per UVCI: Annex 2 in https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/ehealth/docs/vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf (Required)
setCi(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Certificate Identifier, format as per UVCI: Annex 2 in https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/ehealth/docs/vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf (Required)
setCi(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Certificate Identifier, format as per UVCI: Annex 2 in https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/ehealth/docs/vaccination-proof_interoperability-guidelines_en.pdf (Required)
setCo(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
Country of Vaccination / Test, ISO 3166 alpha-2 where possible (Required)
setCo(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Country of Vaccination / Test, ISO 3166 alpha-2 where possible (Required)
setCo(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Country of Vaccination / Test, ISO 3166 alpha-2 where possible (Required)
setDate(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
Not allowed to call - will throw IllegalArgumentException.
setDate(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Sets the value set date/version.
setDf(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ISO 8601 complete date: Certificate Valid From (Required)
setDisplay(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Sets the display name of the value.
setDn(Integer) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Dose Number / Total doses in Series: positive integer (Required)
setDob(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Date of birth
setDob(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Setter that takes a LocalDate representing the date of birth instead of string.
setDob(DateOfBirth) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Setter that takes a DateOfBirth representing the date of birth instead of string.
setDt(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
ISO8601 complete date: Date of Vaccination (Required)
setDu(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ISO 8601 complete date: Certificate Valid Until (Required)
setFn(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
setFnt(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
Standardised surname
setFr(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
ISO 8601 complete date of first positive NAA test result (Required)
setGn(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
setGnt(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
Standardised forename
setId(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
Not allowed to call - will throw IllegalArgumentException.
setId(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Sets the value set ID
setIs(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
Certificate Issuer (Required)
setIs(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Certificate Issuer (Required)
setIs(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Certificate Issuer (Required)
setLang(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Sets the language code
setMa(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setMa(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setMp(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setNam(PersonName) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Makes sure that the names supplied are transliterated.
setNam(PersonName) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Person name: Surname(s), forename(s) - in that order
setNm(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
NAA Test Name
setR(List<RecoveryEntry>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Recovery Group
setSc(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Date/Time of Sample Collection (Required)
setSd(Integer) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
Dose Number / Total doses in Series: positive integer (Required)
setSystem(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Sets the system.
setT(List<TestEntry>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Test Group
setTagDateTimes(boolean) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
The specification dictates that we should tag date-time strings with 0, but during interoperability testing some validator apps have had problems with this.
setTc(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
Testing Centre
setTg(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setTg(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setTg(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setTr(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setTt(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
setV(List<VaccinationEntry>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Vaccination Group
setValues(Map<String, ValueSetValue>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
Not allowed to call - will throw IllegalArgumentException.
setValues(Map<String, ValueSetValue>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Sets the value set values
setVer(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
Schema version
setVersion(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Sets the version of the value.
setVp(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
EU eHealthNetwork: Value Sets for Digital Covid Certificates.
SUCCESS - se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult.Status
Success - checked property/properties are in accordance with value sets.


TEST_MANUFACTURER_AND_NAME_ID - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for "Covid-19 lab test manufacturer (and name)" value set.
TEST_TYPE - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for "Covid-19 lab test type" value set.
TestEntry - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Test Entry
TestEntry() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
No args constructor for use in serialization
TestEntry(String, String, String, String, Instant, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
testManufacturer() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the covid-19-lab-test-manufacturer-and-name value set.
testResult() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the covid-19-lab-result value set.
testType() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the covid-19-lab-test-type value set.
toJSONString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Gets this object as a JSON string.
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DateOfBirth
Returns the date representation (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY or unknown).
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ReloadableValueSet
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
toString() - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue


UNDETERMINE - se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult.Status
Undetermine - missing value set provider - could not check property.


VaccinationEntry - Class in se.digg.dgc.payload.v1
Vaccination Entry
VaccinationEntry() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
No args constructor for use in serialization
VaccinationEntry(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, LocalDate, String, String, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
VACCINE_PROPHYLAXIS - Static variable in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
ID for "Vaccine Prophylaxis" value set.
vaccineProphylaxis() - Static method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetConstants
Gets a static representation of the sct-vaccines-covid-19 value set.
validate(Eudcc) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.DefaultValueSetValidator
Validates a DCC against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(Eudcc) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidator
Validates a DCC against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(RecoveryEntry) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.DefaultValueSetValidator
Validates a RecoveryEntry against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(RecoveryEntry) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidator
Validates a RecoveryEntry against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(TestEntry) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.DefaultValueSetValidator
Validates a TestEntry against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(TestEntry) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidator
Validates a TestEntry against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(VaccinationEntry) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.DefaultValueSetValidator
Validates a VaccinationEntry against the value sets configured for this validator.
validate(VaccinationEntry) - Method in interface se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidator
Validates a VaccinationEntry against the value sets configured for this validator.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueSet - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
Representation of a value set.
ValueSet() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
ValueSet(InputStream) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Constructor initializing the object from a stream holding the JSON representation of the value set (for example a JSON file).
ValueSet(String, LocalDate, Map<String, ValueSetValue>) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
All-args constructor.
ValueSet(ValueSet) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSet
Copy constructor.
ValueSetConstants - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
Utility class that holds constant value sets for the different value sets.
ValueSetValidationResult - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation
Represents a result for the validation of an object against value sets, see ValueSetValidator.
ValueSetValidationResult() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Default constructor.
ValueSetValidationResult(String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Constructor setting up the root property name.
ValueSetValidationResult(String, ValueSetValidationResult.Status, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation.ValueSetValidationResult
Constructor setting the property name, result and result message
ValueSetValidationResult.Status - Enum in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation
Status for validation.
ValueSetValidator - Interface in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.validation
An interface describing a validator that can be used to ensure that data present in a DCC is in accordance with the configured value sets.
ValueSetValue - Class in se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1
Representation of a valueset value.
ValueSetValue() - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
Default constructor.
ValueSetValue(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class se.digg.dgc.valueset.v1.ValueSetValue
All-args constructor.


withCi(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withCi(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withCi(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withCo(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withCo(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withCo(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withDf(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withDn(Integer) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withDob(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
withDob(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
An alternative to Eudcc.withDob(String) where the date of birth is represented as a LocalDate.
withDob(DateOfBirth) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
An alternative to Eudcc.withDob(String) where the date of birth is represented as a DateOfBirth.
withDt(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withDu(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withFn(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
withFnt(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
withFr(LocalDate) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withGn(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
withGnt(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.PersonName
withIs(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withIs(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withIs(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withMa(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withMa(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withMp(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withNam(PersonName) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.DigitalCovidCertificate
Makes sure that the names supplied are transliterated.
withNam(PersonName) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
withNm(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withR(List<RecoveryEntry>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
withSc(Instant) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withSd(Integer) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withT(List<TestEntry>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
withTc(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withTg(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.RecoveryEntry
withTg(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withTg(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
withTr(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withTt(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.TestEntry
withV(List<VaccinationEntry>) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
withVer(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.Eudcc
withVp(String) - Method in class se.digg.dgc.payload.v1.VaccinationEntry
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