Class Eudcc

    • Method Detail

      • getVer

        public String getVer()
        Schema version

        Version of the schema, according to Semantic versioning (ISO, version 2.0.0 or newer)

      • setVer

        public void setVer​(String ver)
        Schema version

        Version of the schema, according to Semantic versioning (ISO, version 2.0.0 or newer)

      • getNam

        public PersonName getNam()
        Person name: Surname(s), forename(s) - in that order
      • setNam

        public void setNam​(PersonName nam)
        Person name: Surname(s), forename(s) - in that order
      • getDob

        public String getDob()
        Date of birth

        Date of Birth of the person addressed in the DCC. ISO 8601 date format restricted to range 1900-2099 or empty

      • setDob

        public void setDob​(String dob)
        Date of birth

        Date of Birth of the person addressed in the DCC. ISO 8601 date format restricted to range 1900-2099 or empty

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object