Class PersonName

  • @Generated("jsonschema2pojo")
    public class PersonName
    extends Object
    Person name: Surname(s), forename(s) - in that order
    • Constructor Detail

      • PersonName

        public PersonName()
        No args constructor for use in serialization
    • Method Detail

      • getFn

        public String getFn()

        The surname or primary name(s) of the person addressed in the certificate

      • setFn

        public void setFn​(String fn)

        The surname or primary name(s) of the person addressed in the certificate

      • getFnt

        public String getFnt()
        Standardised surname

        The surname(s) of the person, transliterated ICAO 9303 (Required)

      • setFnt

        public void setFnt​(String fnt)
        Standardised surname

        The surname(s) of the person, transliterated ICAO 9303 (Required)

      • getGn

        public String getGn()

        The forename(s) of the person addressed in the certificate

      • setGn

        public void setGn​(String gn)

        The forename(s) of the person addressed in the certificate

      • getGnt

        public String getGnt()
        Standardised forename

        The forename(s) of the person, transliterated ICAO 9303

      • setGnt

        public void setGnt​(String gnt)
        Standardised forename

        The forename(s) of the person, transliterated ICAO 9303

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object